Haïtian Revolution : The most succesful slave revolt in the History

How some heroic slaves overthrew a major colonial power A inhuman island and the crushed lives of African slaves Haïti (or Saint-Domingue) was a French colony in the Caribbean, and was the world main supplier of sugar. To exploit these resources, the white rulers of the island transferred a lot of African slaves to work in the plantations in the most inhuman conditions possible. Outnumbered by the slaves, the white masters tried to install a reign of fear to guarantee their safety. Slaves were regularly physically beaten and whipped, some were tortured or even castrated and burned alive....
African American Civil Rights Movement

The quest for Equality among the American black people A time of terrible oppression The racial segregation and other horrible forms of oppression experienced by the blacks during the African American civil rights movement still clearly marks on the hearts of the black Americans. A number of dreadful experiences victimized tens of thousands of the Blacks under the detrimental hand of the Whites. The involvement of the Anti-civil rights Ku Klux Klan played a crucial role during the 1960’s. But a payback is soon to be experienced by the Whites! Also, one profound event is the lynching of...